1·She lived an entirely virtuous life.
—— 《牛津词典》
2·She always tried to lead a virtuous life.
3·Life hacking (at least to me) is a crusade not for riches, but a better, happier, more virtuous life.
4·A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life.
5·Assume that I am leading a very virtuous life, I am honest and hardworking, never indulging in what is held taboo by the society.
6·Of course, the two have seldom been more closely linked, health, diet and safety having replaced faith, hope and charity as the desiderata of the virtuous life.
7·Instead of being sucked downward into the spiral of desertification, they have kick-started a new, virtuous cycle of life.
8·In Buddhist cosmology, the gods are mostly kindly (though at times prideful and complacent) due to having been virtuous the life before as humans.
9·Thus the responsibility for life hackers. As free-thinkers outside the mainstream, it is perhaps incumbent upon us not to sacrifice our virtuous integrity for short-term rewards.
10·Working hard and being smart with your money aren't things you just should do because they seem virtuous;these behaviors ultimately allow you to get more enjoyment out of life.